Monday, August 27, 2012

So much work so far!

We have now owned the farm for 2.5 weeks, and although we have a lot left to do, I am pretty happy with where we stand right now! We have gutted both bedrooms and the bathroom. All that remains of the room it once was is the toilet, but as soon ans we get ready to install a new one, that will be gone too. As you probably recall,

Stanley from the dairy up the road offered to take care of our fields for us, so far the front hay field has been cut, and baled. There are big huge round bales scattered about, and it really gives you a better feeling for just how big the farm really is! I think they decided against haying the pasture, but he promised to brush hog whatever he can't use. I would imagine that once all the hay has been done he'll swing back through and cut that down for us.
This is obviously before it was baled, but I got to meet another neighbor, Stanley's grandson Shawn. He did an awesome job!

The highlight of the week has been the purchase of our new to us antique dry sink!
This pic is in our bathroom just about where it is going to go. I think it is perfect for what we are going to do in here, and I LOVE the towel bar next to the mirror! I am going to get a corian counter top to go over the top of the wood in designer white and match the paint to it and paint the whole thing white. I need to add a piece of wood below the mirror to bring it up a little higher, and we are going to put a box behind it to secure the mirror frame and to keep the mirror away from the wall so it can still tilt! We are just super excited the search is over, and we got it for over $75 less than his original asking price! I <3 Craigslist! 

Okay, now the James and the trailer have been packed full of another load to go up to the new house, and I daresay I am holding up the hubby, so off to the farm we go!

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